Transportation and Structures
Building for Tomorrow
Transportation and structural projects are becoming more complex as agencies face competing priorities and increased public pressure to resolve congestion, improve multi-modal connections, and deliver projects faster, even in the face of increasing regulatory requirements. Projects are being required to meet a broader spectrum of demands, including the need to balance safety and life cycle costs while complementing the communities they serve.
DOWL’s team of bridge, structural, and transportation project managers, engineers, and technicians offers a wealth of trusted experience in a wide variety of design projects. From big to small, and from private facilities to public infrastructure, we’re ready to help with your next project.
Practice Lead

Bob Goodrich, PE
Market Sectors

Bridges and Structures
With thousands of projects under our belt, we're proud to be a regional leader in concrete, steel, and timber bridges. Whether it is a single-span concrete bridge, a multiple-span curved steel girder bridge, or a historic bridge rehabilitation, our proven approach provides clients with creative, efficient solutions. With a focus on constructability, our team determines how to build the bridge early in the design process. This focus, and our broad experience, including accelerated bridge construction (ABC), results in designs that reduce contractor risk and lower construction costs.
Our structural design team offers decades of experience in both new and existing construction, specializing in public infrastructure and industrial structures. We provide cost-effective, straight-forward, constructible solutions, with a focus on resiliency. We are proud to have successfully helped many long-term clients establish and achieve their seismic performance goals.
- Bridges
- Arch bridges
- Historic bridge rehabilitation
- Load ratings and in-service bridge inspection
- Post-tensioned, cast-in-place concrete bridges
- Pretensioned and post-tensioned, precast concrete bridges
- Seismic evaluation and retrofit design
- Steel trusses
- Straight and curved steel plate girders
- Timber covered bridges
- Unique long-span pedestrian bridges
- Structures
- Boardwalks and gangways
- Boat ramps
- Buildings
- Bulkhead and seawall design
- Dolphins, docks, and boat/barge tie-up facilities
- Equipment supports
- Existing structural rehabilitation
- Floating docks
- Foundations/pilings
- Reservoirs and tanks
- Retaining walls
- Seismic evaluations and retrofit design
- Sign structures
- Wharves and piers

Nick Robertson, PE, SE

Transportation Planning and Design
Our transportation planners identify creative solutions to address your most critical safety, connectivity, operational, and accessibility needs. Working in tandem with our traffic engineers, our team develops improvement alternatives that enhance roadway safety and operation, address short-term traffic concerns, and meet long-term goals.
- Transportation Engineering
- Design Study Reports
- Roadside safety analysis and improvements design
- Construction specifications and estimates
- Design and construction of new roadways, rehabilitation, and reconstruction
- Interchange and intersection form reports
- Urban and rural roadway design of municipal, state, federal, and private
- Pedestrian and multi-modal design, including paths, trails, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) facilities
- Alternative intersection design including roundabouts
- Alternative interchange design including diverging diamonds
- Temporary traffic control design
- Erosion and sediment control design
- Signing and striping design
- Traffic Engineering
- Access management and permitting
- Bicycle and pedestrian analysis
- Origin-destination studies
- Parking demand and circulation
- Signal and illumination design
- Signal warrants, timing, and coordination
- Traffic calming
- Traffic control plans
- Traffic data collection, impact studies, and trip generation
- Traffic simulation operational analyses
- Traffic safety assessments
- Travel demand management and forecast modeling
- Travel time analysis
- Transportation Planning
- ADA transition plans
- Bicycle and pedestrian planning
- Corridor preservation planning
- Corridor studies, sub-area studies, and statewide planning
- Data analytics and visualization
- Facility plans and asset management
- Freight management plans
- Master planning and long-range planning studies
- Rural/tribal transportation planning
- Metropolitan transportation plans
- Performance management
- Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) studies
- Policy analysis and development
- Public, agency, and stakeholder involvement
- Right-of-way (ROW) acquisition including temporary and permanent
- Regulatory compliance and evaluation
- Transportation finance and grant assistance

Cody Salo, PE

Our aviation project capabilities range from funding and preliminary planning for existing airports to construction of new airports. Our clients include municipal/general aviation airports, small and medium hub airports, airlines, and airport tenants. We offer a full range of planning, design, and construction services to make project coordination efficient and cost-effective.
- Airfield design
- Airport electrical lighting/guidance signs
- Airport Layout Plans and master plans
- Airport security systems
- Airside/landside drainage design
- Automated Weather Observing Systems (AWOS) siting studies
- Aviation system plans
- Business/strategic planning
- Construction inspection/observation
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Programs
- Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Part 139 compliance
- Fuel systems
- Grant preparation/project funding
- Hangars
- Passenger facility charge applications
- Siting studies
- Snow removal equipment buildings
- Terminal planning
- Topographic and aeronautical surveys/AGIS
- Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Part 1542 compliance

Melissa Osborn, AAE, ACE