Powder Run Multifamily Housing Development Conditional Use Permit Community Meeting
April 15, 2020 5:30 – 6:30 pm
The purpose of this meeting was to share the conceptual site and building plans for the Powder Run project and receive your input. The site is zoned GR-1, Alyeska Highway Mixed Residential. Per AMC 21.09.050 table 5, four units per acre are a permitted use; additional units can be allowed with a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). Because this property spans more than one acre, five units is a permitted use. Additional units require a CUP. The total number of units for this project has yet to be finalized; we are currently planning on eight or nine 2-story units.
This meeting was held over Skype for Business and also broadcast on Facebook Live. Participants could opt to call in to the meeting without using one of the online interfaces, too. In addition to the project team, more than twenty people participated through these different mechanisms. The project team gave a brief presentation (you can find the Power Point slides below) and then questions/comments were addressed.
Presentation Slide Deck
Download the slides here: Powder Run Slide Deck