Vote for Your Favorite Charity

This giving effort is additive to what we typically give on a corporate and local level, but this one is decided by our best Montana clients like you! Please vote for the charity you believe should get these funds. Voting will close on December 8, 2023. We will let you know via email what the final tally is.

Thank you for being a valued client. We hope helping us give out money brightens your day!

  • Montana Food Bank Network
    The Montana Food Bank Network is a lifeline for individuals and families facing hunger across the vast state of Montana. With a steadfast commitment to combating food insecurity, this extraordinary organization works tirelessly to collect, distribute, and provide nutritious meals to those in need. Through their network of food pantries, meal programs, and partnerships, they reach even the most remote communities. They serve more than 340 partner agencies in the state. Here are just a few that are located in some of the communities we operate:

    Helena: Pre-Release Center and the Transitional Living Facility, Helena Food Share, Youth Dynamics’ Lewis & Clark Group Home, The Salvation Army, and Youth Homes’ Margaret Stuart Boys & Girls Home

    Billings: Adult Resource Alliance of Yellowstone County, Billings School Teen Pantry Program, Family Service, Friends of the Children – Eastern Montana, Friendship House, Montana Rescue Mission, Open Bible Christian Center, The Salvation Army, South Park Senior Citizens Center, Teen Challenge, and YWCA

    Bozeman: Bounty of the Bridgers Campus Food Pantry and Gallatin Valley Food Bank

    Join their mission and be a part of creating a hunger-free Montana where everyone has access to nourishing food and a brighter future.
  • Montana Afterschool Alliance
    The Montana After School Alliance is revolutionizing education and empowering students through its STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) initiatives. With a dedicated focus on STEAM programs, this organization is igniting a passion for discovery and innovation among Montana's youth. Through hands-on activities, mentorship, and engaging curriculum, the Montana After School Alliance is preparing students for the jobs of the future. By participating in their STEAM programs, students gain valuable skills, critical thinking abilities, and problem-solving techniques. By supporting the Montana After School Alliance, you can help shape a generation of future scientists, engineers, and leaders who will drive progress and contribute to a thriving Montana economy.
  • Montana State Parks Foundation
    The Montana State Parks Foundation is a champion for the preservation and enhancement of Montana's natural treasures. With a steadfast commitment to protecting and promoting state parks, this remarkable organization plays a crucial role in ensuring these pristine landscapes are accessible and enjoyed by all. Through their tireless efforts, the Montana State Parks Foundation supports conservation initiatives, trail maintenance, educational programs, and community engagement. By supporting the foundation, you can directly contribute to the preservation of Montana's rich biodiversity, cultural heritage, and outdoor recreational opportunities. Join the Montana State Parks Foundation and help safeguard these irreplaceable natural wonders for future generations to explore and cherish.


Voting has ended.